
The TRANS CANADA TRAIL  This is a wonderful project being developed across Canada.   Here are some quotes about the Trans Canada Trail that I’ve lifted from “Canada Trails”      I’ve put the exciting part in italics:

“Canada is in the process of constructing the world’s longest recreation pathway, the Trans Canada Trail. When completed it will total more than 17,000 km (10,000 miles) in length. The east-west route from Saint John’s, Newfoundland to Victoria, British Columbia will measure in the vicinity of 10,000 km (6,200 miles). Travelling by highway is actually about 9,000 km from coast to coast but the trail makes lots of scenic detours. A second leg of the Trans Canada Trail will run north from Calgary, Alberta through the Yukon to the Arctic Ocean.”

“Development of recreation paths for biking, walking and–in certain cases, other activities such as horseback riding–is proceeding at fast pace in all regions of Canada. Many provinces have trail-building projects underway that will include sections of the TCT. The trail will actually be woven together from hundreds of local trails such as the Galloping Goose in British Columbia, the Petit Témis in Quebec and New Brunswick and PEI’s Confederation Trail.”

“Each province and territory has a trail committee that plans the route and oversees development of the trail.”

“Most of the Trans Canada Trail is intended primarily for bicycling and walking but cross-country skiing, horseback riding and snowmobiling will also be permitted on certain sections. Much of the trail will be rail trails, abandoned railway lines that have been resurfaced with fine gravel.”

I’m not having much luck determining which trails in this system are actually wheelchair accessible, where best to access them, and where there is handicap parking.   I suggest you visit the pages for individual provinces or territories and contact the committees in charge of trail development.


The links given below are to the webpage giving accessibility information about each park.

Banff National Park   The website just says to contact their visitor center 403.762.1550 for accessibility info.

Bruce Peninsula National Park 

Cape Breton Highlands National Park

Elk Island National Park

Forillon National Park

Fundy National Park

Glacier National Park

Gros Morne National Park

Jasper National Park

Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site

Kluane National Park and Reserve

Kootenay National Park

Kouchibouguac National Park    This website rates the park nature trails as easy or medium, but  does not directly address wheelchair accessibility.

Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve

Mount Revelstoke National Park

Point Pelee National Park 

Riding Mountain National Park

Wood Buffalo National Park

Yoho National Park  This site gives no specifics, but says there are some accessible  facilities and to call 250.343.6783  for more information.



Have you favorite places you would like to see mentioned on this website?
Please Contact Me with your suggestions.